
  • Periodontitis and glaucoma

    Does periodontitis contribute to glaucoma?

    Over the last few years there have been important advances in scientific evidence indicating that periodontitis or gum disease, consisting of inflammation and infection of the ligaments and bones that support the teeth, shares pathogenic mechanisms with other systemic conditions affecting the state and functioning of the body, in multiple aspects. In previous articles we…

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  • Geriatric syndromes and oral health

    Geriatric syndromes and oral health

    As we age, our bodies undergo cognitive and physiological changes associated with the natural ageing process, varying from person to person. The term geriatric syndromes includes a whole series of clinical conditions of varying aetiology resulting from the combination of diseases that are highly prevalent among the elderly. In other words, they are multifactorial disorders…

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  • The importance of hydration in the health of older people

    The adult human body is made up of between 50 to 65% water and so adequate hydration is essential for it to properly function. Water is present throughout the body including, inside most cells, in the intercellular spaces, in the blood and in bodily fluids that are of enormous importance to regulate our body functions,…

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  • Lura Care, recognised by the GHP Global Excellence Awards 2024

    25/06/2024 We are thrilled to announce that Lura Care has been named Best International Mobile Health Services Provider in Europe 2024 in the Global Excellence Awards, presented by the renowned professional publication Global Health & Pharma Magazine (GHP). Launched in 2020, the awards aim to highlight innovative companies, teams and individuals that excel in the…

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  • Lura Day 2024: celebrating our shared commitment

    14/06/2014 Today we enjoyed one of those special moments that make us at Lura Care feel more united than ever: our Lura Day 2024. A day in which we have been able to unite our teams from Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom in Barcelona to enjoy a very exciting day to celebrate some successes…

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  • Lura Care makes its presence known at ExCel London Care Show

    29/04/2024 On 24 and 25 April, the Lura Care team had the pleasure of participating in the first Care Show in London, a two-day conference and exhibition boasting the most invaluable learning, networking, and thought-provoking opportunities for those working in the adult social care sector. Over two intense days, we shared experiences and innovative visions…

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  • World Oral Health Day: much to celebrate, more to do

    As is every 20th of March, today is World Oral Health Day, promoted by the World Dental Federation (WDF) to raise awareness of the importance of oral health. As oral diseases can have an impact on people’s general health, well-being and quality of life, every year thousands of organisations, associations and companies around the world,…

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  • Oral cancer: types and prevalence

    As we age, our bodies undergo changes that increase the risk of various diseases. Amongst others, age increases the risk for the appearance of various types of cancer, the prevalence of which increases among older people as a result of the ageing of tissues and exposure to a greater number of carcinogens throughout life. In…

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  • Dysphagia: when swallowing becomes a serious problem

    As we get older, developing healthy habits becomes a key element to enjoying a satisfactory quality of life. A balanced and healthy diet, together with regular physical exercise, are two fundamental habits that contribute to maintaining a good physical condition as we get older, and helps us to maintain this quality of life. However, there…

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  • The challenge of oral care for people with functional diversity

    As we saw in a previous article, people with functional diversity often suffer from oral health problems. These are mainly due to the difficulty in developing and maintaining regular oral hygiene habits and cariogenic diets, which is often the cause of disorders such as tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis or halitosis or bad breath. For this…

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