How should we clean and maintain dentures?

Dentures cleaning and maintenance

As we saw in a previous article, the use of dental prostheses requires a process of adaptation. During this process, the prostheses settle in the gums and patients adapt to what is still a foreign body in the mouth, which requires a certain amount of time to become familiar with them.

Many people may ask themselves, what is the best way to ensure the good maintenance of dental prostheses? And the first thing to bear in mind is that, after fitting and adjusting the prostheses, it is the users who play the key role in their proper cleaning and maintenance.

A fundamental factor is to understand that bacterial plaque is formed and deposited on dentures just as it is on natural teeth. Therefore, the advice we always give at Lura Care is to take good care of your hygiene after every meal, which can be carried out in several ways.

The simplest is, as a first step, to remove visible dirt by cleaning them with a medium hard toothbrush and neutral soap or dishwashing detergent.

To do this, we recommend not brushing the denture support surface that is in contact with the gums, but to clean it with the fingers under the tap. After thorough rinsing, the denture should be sanitised with antibacterial tablets for the specified time.

It is advisable to do the cleaning in the sink with a little water at the bottom or with a soft cloth, to prevent the denture from accidentally falling out and breaking. And, at least once a day, we recommend using a soft toothbrush or gauze with a little mouthwash to gently scrub the gums where the denture rests.

This procedure removes dead cells and microorganisms that may have formed under the denture, while stimulating the nutrition and preservation of the soft tissues.

How prostheses are stored when not in use is also important. The simplest way is to store them wrapped in a damp tissue paper in an empty box with a lid.

Contrary to common belief, they should not be left in a glass of water, as this encourages the growth of invisible micro-organisms in the resin.

It is important to rest from wearing dentures for a few hours every day. This reduces the risk of inflammation called stomatitis, which can cause discomfort.

At Lura Care we advise our patients not to wear the prosthesis for 8 out of 24 hours, for example to rest during the night, in order to preserve optimal oral health.

This rest period allows the tissues of the mouth to rest from the pressure of the prosthesis, and protects the mouth from the possible action of micro-organisms that can form under the denture where there is little oxygen.

If these simple instructions on how to clean and maintain dentures are followed, users will be able to adapt optimally to their new dentures and will be able to prolong their life as much as possible. And with this, they can enjoy good oral health that will make a significant contribution to their general health, well-being and quality of life.